BOOKS by piasha
Canadian Pipeline 101
Introduction to Canadian Pipeline Projects
By Hiran Ganguli
This book introduces the readers to the different phases of Canadian pipeline project executions from feasibility to planning to design to pre-construction to construction and closeout phases.
Book: 100 page 8.5" x 10.5" book with photos
Price: $34.95 + $6.00 (Shipping) + GST (CAD)
Canadian Construction & Inspection Fundamentals
By Hiran Ganguli
This book is a must read for anyone involved with the Oil & Gas industry that seeks to gain an understanding of the construction and inspection of pipelines in Canada.
Book: 285 page 8.5" x 11" book with photos
Price: $64.95 + GST + $15.80 (Shipping in Canada) - CAD
Project Management Fundamentals
Understanding & Managing Projects
By Hiran Ganguli
Understand the process of completing a successful project. Readers will learn about what a project is, how to manage them and the various phases of a project.
Includes anecdotes and real life examples to grasp project management concepts with ease.
Book: 85 pages, 8" x 10" book with photos
Price: $15.95 + $6.00 (Shipping) + GST (CAD)